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Monday, 25 August 2014

SSIA Looks for USD126 Million Debt (BI)
Surya Semesta Internusa (SSIA) is considering loans of about USD126 million or about Rp1.46 trillion from a number of local and foreign banks to help fund the rebuilding of the SSI office tower in Jakarta. The company said the facility will cover approximately 70% of the required funding, while the rest will be used from the company's internal cash. The total investment of SSI Tower is around USD180 million or about Rp2 tn. The marketing sales of the building will be conducted started from the fourth quarter 2014.

Telkom Expands Expansion in the Middle East (BI)
TLKM plans to expand its business to other countries in the middle east before the end of this year. The Company will realize the expansion plan in the fourth quarter 2014. The company said, the average investment value every time the company expands into other countries is around Rp1 tn. TLKM subsidiary which operates the overseas services is PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin). According to the company, the cooperation would be in the MVNO services (mobile virtual network operator) which is a form of cooperation between mobile telecom service providers in the form of voice and data services.

TINS Indicate Offshore Mining (BI)
PT Timah (TINS) directs the mining process to the offshore compare to the onshore because of cheaper cost. The company said the cost of onshore exploration considered to be more expensive due to the social costs such as reclamation and other costs. According to the company, the current estimate of offshore mining and the onshore mining is 75% versus 25%. This year the company budgeted capex of Rp1.3tn. As of July 2014, the only company absorbed 30% of the capex or around Rp390 billion.

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