Depok – Antasari Toll Road: Three SOE’s Contractors Wins the Project (BI)
Three state-owned enterprises which also minority shareholders in PT Cintra Waspphutowa were appointed as the winning bidder in Depok - Antasari highway project worth Rp 3 trillion. The three state companies are Waskita, PP, and Hutama Karya. The joint operation of three state enterprises will start the clearing works following land released in late August 2014, while the process of loan disbursement amounting to Rp2.1 trillion from BRI will come out after the progress of land acquisition reaches 90%.
MAPI Issued Rp350 billion Bonds (BI)
Mitra Adiperkasa (MAPI) is offering bonds worth Rp350 billion. The Company has made bookbuilding since the beginning of last week to this week. Bond issuance is divided into two series, the A series with 10.2% -10.95% coupon with a tenor of three years and B series with an indicative coupon of 10.6% -11.35% with a tenor of five years. The net proceeds will be used for refinancing or working capital.
Ministry of Public Works Has Realized Rp31.7tn from the Budget (ID)
The realization from the Ministry of Public Works budget already reached 42%, or about Rp31.75tn of the total budget of Rp75.46tn in 2014. Meanwhile, in the 2015 draft state budget, the Ministry will be allocated Rp74.2tn of the total budget requirement of Rp123tn. From the prioritized infrastructure programs, the Ministry needs at least Rp86.3tn at the baseline to fulfill MDG’s target.
SMGR Targeting Higher Volume in 2nd Half (BI)
Semen Indonesia (SMGR) targeting sales can grow up to 120% in the second half of this year compared with the first half. SMGR optimistic the target could be achieved because of the company's production line is ready to meet the national cement demand. In the second half of this year, the company targets sales to reach 15.23 million tonnes to 16.6 million tonnes compared to 13.87 million tonnes in the first half of this year. This year sale is targeted to reach 29.1 million tonnes - 30.5 million tonnes. More |
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